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Claim SClrgr - Justices added to SCOTUS

Category: Politics:US Politics JUDGED at 0
Owner:306, SMWinnie
Judge:97, Loophole
due date:2017/03/31

The Claim

YES coupons shall pay $1.00 if the following proposition is determined to be true and $0.00 otherwise.

At any time between noon EST on January 1, 2009 and 12:01am EST on January 29, 2017 the Supreme Court of the United States ("SCOTUS") shall consist of a Chief Justice and a number of associate justices exceeding eight. Vacancies shall be irrelevant for purposes of this claim; truth of the proposition is to be determined according to the number of associate justices authorized by law.

The Constitution of the United States requires that SCOTUS and a Chief Justice exist. Congress may by law set the number of associate justices of SCOTUS. The current composition of SCOTUS (one Chief Justice and eight associate justices) was established in the Judiciary Act of 1869 and has been constant since then. The composition of the Supreme Court at present is codified at 28 U.S.C. s.1, which reads in toto:

The Supreme Court of the United States shall consist of a Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices, any six of whom shall constitute a quorum.

Judge's Statement


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